Friday, 3 January 2014

The Sun -- History

Large sunspots may be occasionally seen by the unaided eye, with the sun near the horizon and dimmed by thick haze. Early observations of this sort exist, but not much was remembered of them, and when around 1610 they were seen more clearly with the help of the telescope, the discovery came as a great surprise.
    Three observers claimed the discovery--Galileo, who risked blindness by looking at the Sun through a telescope, the priest Christopher Scheiner in Germany, who invented the safe observing method of projecting the Sun's image onto a screen, and Johann Fabricius in Holland. After the initial studies, however, interest in sunspots declined, in part because (for reasons still not known) they almost disappeared between 1645 and 1715.

Heinrich Schwabe

    The modern period of sunspot research began with Heinrich Schwabe, a pharmacist in the German town of Dessau who was also an amateur astronomer. Schwabe's original interest was the possibility of an unknown planet close to the Sun, which he believed might be detected as a dark spot when passing in front of the Sun. Year after year, beginning in 1826, on every clear day, Schwabe would scan the sun and record its spots, until 17 years later he began to suspect a regular variation. He published his findings in a short article "Solar Observations during 1843" which at first attracted little attention. One of the few who noted and was impresed was Rudolf Wolf of Bern, Switzerland (later Zürich), who from 1847 began observing sunspots himself. In 1848 Wolf devised the "Zürich sunspot number" to gauge the number of sunspots (giving extra weight to groupings), which is still used (in the figure below as well).

    Ultimately, however, Schwabe's article caught the eye of Alexander von Humboldt, tireless promoter of the sciences, who in 1851 published Schwabe's table (updated to 1850) in his encyclopaedic compilation of natural science, "Kosmos." After that scientists all over the world became interested in the 11-year sunspot cycle. Some, led by Rudolf Wolf, examined old records to reconstruct earlier sunspot cycles, while Edward Sabine in England in 1852 found a similar periodicity in magnetic storms. Some more speculative minds also claimed (and still do) an 11-year period in weather patterns, or even in the outbreaks of wars and epidemics.

Sunspot Cycle (1850 - 1975)


    One who was greatly influenced by Schwabe's discovery was an English gentleman of independent means, Richard Christopher Carrington, who devoted himself to the study of sunspots. His work, extending from 1853 to 1861, was collected in "Observation of the Spots of the Sun" [1863], a book described by Harold W. Newton as "a classic studied with feelings of admiration by all sunspot observers." Carrington was busily observing a prominent group of sunspots on September 1, 1859, when suddenly "two patches of intensely bright and white light broke out." The patches brightened rapidly and then decayed again (click
here for his description) and by good chance, the observation was confirmed by another English astronomer.     Carrington had seen a flare, of the rare variety that is visible in white light (only about 50 are known). No more than 17 hours later a great magnetic storm erupted, with aurora seen as far as Cuba. Carrington noted the connection, but cautioned that "one swallow does not make a summer."
    In 1892 George Ellery Hale--founder of the great astronomical observatories on Mt. Wilson and later on Mt. Palomar--devised the spectroheliograph, an instrument scanning the Sun in a narrow range of color emitted by a certain atom ("spectral line"). In July of that year he used it to observe two large flares, followed (19.5 and 30 hours later, respectively) by big magnetic storms. Hale also tuned his instrument to spectral lines known to change when produced in strong magnetic fields, and concluded in 1908 that sunspots were intensely magnetic. That fit nicely with observations during total eclipses of the Sun, when streaks above sunspot areas were often seen to arch above the Sun's edge like field lines of a bar magnet.
    After World War II scientists began monitoring the cosmic radiation, the flow of high-energy ions arriving from distant space, using arrays of Geiger counters and other instruments. Starting in 1942 they occasionally saw peaks of intensity after strong flares. Flares also emit x-rays, believed to be produced by great numbers of high-energy electrons accelerated in the flare region and trapped in it. The GOES spacecraft regularly monitors such emissions, and x-ray cameras aboard satellites--e.g the Solar Maximum Mission, launched in 1980, and more recently Yohkoh, launched in 1991--have taken some remarkable flare pictures.

Coronal Mass Ejections

    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), described earlier, were observed by the space station Skylab in 1973, following earlier indications from the 7th Orbiting Solar Observatory (OSO 7). However, nearly 20 years passed before Art Hundhausen and Jack Gosling collected convincing evidence that perhaps CMEs, rather than solar flares, may be more characteristic phenomenon of abrupt energy release. We still lack a good explanation of what propels those giant plasma clouds away from the Sun.

Further Explorations:

  • Biography of Heinrich Schwabe
  • "Explorer of the Universe: A biography of George Ellery Hale" by Helen Wright, Dutton & Co., 1966 (republished by Amer. Inst. of Physics, 1994, 487 pp, $29.95 hard cover)
  • "Early Solar Physics" by A.J. Meadows, Pergamon Press, 1970.
  • "The New Solar Physics" by John A. Eddy, Westview Press, Boulder, 1978

4 Amazing Things Hiding On Earth (That We Just Discovered)

4 Amazing Things Hiding On Earth (That We Just Discovered)

Because of such technological marvels as Google Maps (and the many volumes of Where's Waldo?), you'd think that every inch of planet Earth has been thoroughly documented by this point. But the truth is, science pulls mind-blowing finds out of its cavernous, all-knowing ass more or less every 15 minutes. Here are four amazing discoveries that just occurred while the rest of civilization was bingeing on Teen Mom and waffle tacos.

#4. NASA Finds the World's Longest Canyon Beneath Greenland

Even if you didn't sleep through your elementary school geography lessons, you probably have an inkling that Greenland is 75 percent covered in ice. But what you didn't know was that tucked underneath all that ice sits the longest canyon in the world.
J. Bamber, University Bristol
"Oh honey, size isn't everything. You're still 'grand' to me." -Grand Canyon's wife
NASA discovered the 460-mile-long canyon while sending special radar signals through Greenland's ice, probably in hopes of finding something green so we could justify that stupid name. The longer it took the signals to bounce back, the deeper the canyon -- and scientists aren't even done measuring it yet.
The best part of the whole story is that the longest canyon in the world has been playing hide-and-seek with us since before humanity existed. You win this round, awe-inspiring geological formation, but you'll get yours when we finally go extinct.

#3. Archaeologists Discover Priceless Secret Tomb, Excavate It in Secret

Among the many details The Goonies got right was the notion that once a secret treasure is found, everyone will want to get their grubby hands all over it. So archaeologists from the University of Warsaw probably had visions of Mama Fratelli pinballing through their skulls when they discovered an untouched Peruvian tomb full of gold, badass artifacts, and sultry lady mummies.
The tomb belonged to the predecessors of the Incas, the Wari, and -- evidence of human sacrifices notwithstanding -- these guys seemed hilarious.
Daniel Giannoni
We're assuming this is a whoopee cushion.
Furthermore, the researchers who found this 1,300-year-old tomb managed to keep the whole dig a secret for months. Why didn't they make a huge announcement to the world the second they found the first set of gold earrings? Because Goonies -- they knew everyone would come and raid the artifacts. Instead, they waited until their pockets were lined with treasure and body parts before issuing a press release months later.

The press release consisted solely of this photo, published full page in Grave Robbers Monthly.

#2. Geologists Discover 2.6-Billion-Year-Old Water, Drink It

Deep in the recesses of a Canadian mine, scientists found a pool of water believed to be between 1.5 billion and 2.6 billion years old. This water is so old that researchers think it's from back when that section of Canada was the actual ocean floor. And after theorizing that there may be lifeforms thriving within the water that are capable of living for billions of years independent of the sun, the geologists proceeded to drink that shit. One taster described the water as "very salty and bitter."
Brian Summers
"I added a sprinkle of anise seed to round out the flavor."
It's unclear what exact kind of eldritch horror the research team is destined to evolve into, but we'll get a better idea once their ventral polyps sprout up.

#1. Scientists Find One of the Largest Volcanoes in the Solar System Next to Japan

In a recent scientific discovery that could possibly explain the existence of Godzilla, scientists have found that the biggest volcano on Earth and one of the biggest volcanoes in the solar system has been hiding on the seafloor a thousand miles east of Japan.
"Well, men, this thing is filled with either radioactive lizard eggs or Kinder egg toys. We're praying for the toys."
For the last 20 years, researchers have been stumped as to whether the huge lumpy underwater mass was a group of volcanoes or just one big mama volcano. Turns out that at 120,000 square miles, the world's biggest zit is the latter. This thing is the size of New Mexico, and the nearest competition is all the way out on Mars. This thing is so big and wide that if you stood on its side, you wouldn't be able to tell which way was downhill. Hawaii's Mauna Loa, which is Earth's largest active volcano, would only take up 2 percent of this thing if you could magically smoosh them together.
So on the one hand, we've got this massive secret geological treasure that we're just now finding, which is exciting. On the other hand, we've only got about five minutes before Japan figures out a way to fetishize it.
Ranger Archive
"Pshaw. Been there, done that." -Japan

Read more:

5 Things to Do When You Feel Insecure

5 Things to Do When You Feel InsecureGerman psychoanalyst Eric Fromm said, “The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.”
Everyone I have ever known — I take that back — every likable person I have ever known in this world has admitted to periods of sheer insecurity. They looked at themselves from the perspective of someone else — perhaps a person with no appreciation of their talents, personality traits, abilities—and judged themselves unfairly according to the perverted view.
I am terribly insecure much of the time. I grew up with bad acne, braces, and a twin sister who was in the popular group. The adolescent self-doubt had sticking power. At times I can pull off the image of a self-confident author and writer, but it usually lasts as long as the speaking event or lunch with my editor.
Lately the junior high inferiority complex has made a surprise visit, and I’m more insecure than usual. So here’s one of those lists that people are always writing — suggestions on what to do if you are feeling insecure, too.

1. Consider it beautiful.
Insecurity — vulnerability of spirit — is essentially humility, which is a divine quality. In fact, since pride is considered to be the origin of sin (Saint Augustine), then humility would be the greatest spiritual virtue. With insecurity, we admit that it’s not all about us, and that philosophy in this world of self-centeredness is quite lovely. Says Stephen Fry in “Moab Is My Washpot”:
“It’s not all bad. Heightened self-consciousness, apartness, an inability to join in, physical shame and self-loathing—they are not all bad. Those devils have been my angels. Without them I would never have disappeared into language, literature, the mind, laughter and all the mad intensities that made and unmade me.”
2. Read your self-esteem file.
A self-esteem file is a warm-fuzzy folder, but I really refuse to call it that because it sounds like I live in the land of the unicorns and fairies with retreats to the land of the rainbows and lollipops. It’s a collection of anything anyone has ever said, written, indicated that can be categorized as positive. Someone says something shallow like, “I like your shoes.” Sure, put it in there, with a note “I have good taste in shoes.” Another person mutters, “Dude, thanks for listening.” That goes in there as well: “I am a good listener.”
I suggest asking two or three of your best friends to list ten of your best qualities and put those in there to jumpstart the project. That’s what I did seven years ago. My therapist asked me to make a list of ten of my best qualities and I couldn’t do it. So she told me to ask my friends. I was embarrassed. Ashamed. Why should I need to do this? But my self-esteem file has saved me from weeks of self-loathing. Now it’s full of nice comments on my blog, emails, feedback from my books. I reach for it every time I feel a moment of insecurity coming over me.
3. Avoid people you feel insecure around.
I know this sounds like common sense, but it does require a bit of homework. Sometimes you have to rearrange your schedule, find a new route to work, take lunch at a different time, or compile a ton of excuses to have on hand. “I’m sorry I can’t go to happy hour with you guys. The truth is that your cliquish group does not make me happy. I have a better chance of getting happy by myself. Oh, and my dog needs to get groomed at 5 p.m. on a Tuesday night.”
You have to protect yourself. That should be your first priority for as long as you are feeling insecure, not convenience. Why torture yourself? If you think the popular group will notice, you’re wrong. Most likely they don’t care about you. But you won’t care that they don’t care if you are proactive about protecting yourself. Then, when you don’t feel as insecure, you can resume your old schedule or go to happy hour if you want and if your dog has been groomed.
4. Surround yourself with supportive people.
There are only a few people in my life who get me. Who really get me. When I’m insecure, I will drive 250 miles to see them, or squeeze a half hour into my hectic evening to talk to them on the phone. They remind me of what is good and unique about myself — maybe unorthodox and not at all appreciated by other folks — elements that contribute to my decent DNA. These people love that I have no filter, that I say whatever I am thinking out loud and therefore insult an average of two people every ten seconds. This character defect, they say, is refreshing!
Those trusted few are the voices of truth and we need as many voices of truth as we can get. “We’re going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us,” writes Beth Moore in “So Long, Insecurity: You’ve Been a Bad Friend To Us.”
5. Know it’s invisible.
You figure everyone can see that you’re insecure. And that actually makes you feel more insecure. But here’s the wonderful truth. No one can see your insecurity. They are too worried about their own insecurity to notice your insecurity. Even when I think the world can see me shake – when I get really nervous or uncertain – few people can. Either that or they are lying to me when I call them on it. Do your friends look insecure when they are in a group of coworkers or with dysfunctional families? Nope? No one can see your insides but you

How to Properly Wash Your Face to Fight Blackheads and Acne

How to Properly Wash Your Face to Fight Blackheads and Acne

How to Properly Wash Your Face to Fight Blackheads and Acne
Acne strikes people from adolescence through middle age, and while there isn't a cure for pimples, zits and blackheads, they can be controlled.
The problem? Most people don't properly wash their face. They either over-exfoliate with harsh scrubbing, or dry it out using extreme cleansing soaps— both of which cause the face to overcompensate and produce even more oil, which in turn can clog pores. This creates an unending cycle that can cause long-term skin damage and premature aging lines.
Fortunately there is a much gentler way to properly clean the skin in five simple steps.
1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap so that you don't transfer acne-causing bacteria to your face.
2. Splash lukewarm water on your face to prep the skin for cleansing. Hot water can damage the skin and cause your face to begin oil production.
3. Use a cleanser that's specifically designed for faces and unclogging pores. Clogged pores are what keep your skin's oil from reaching the surface, which not only causes blackheads and pimples but also dries out your face.
One of the top skin cleansers also comes from one of the most trusted names in acne treatment:Proactiv® Blackhead Dissolving Gel.
Proactiv® Blackhead Dissolving Gel uses Salicylic Acid to help keep pores clear, reducing blockage and helping prevent new breakouts from forming. It also contains Lactic Acid, which is gentle and helps exfoliate dead skin cells and absorb excess oil. This not only helps keep pores clear, but also helps them appear smaller so that skin looks smoother. Finally, Shea Butter, which is rich with Omega-6 and Omega-9 essential fatty acids, as well as Aloe Vera and Bisabolol help soothe the skin and protect it from dehydrating.
These combined ingredients can help break the over-cleansing, acne-causing cycle that plagues so many people.
4. Gently rub the cleanser into your skin, moving fingers in a circular motion for  at least 30 seconds. Fingers usually work better than loofahs or wash cloths that can irritate the skin.
5. Cup cool water in your hands, lift it to your face, and rinse. Do this several times, then pat your face dry — don't rub it—with a soft towel.
While these steps seem simple, they work, and the kind of cleanser you use is definitely key to your success.
Proactiv® produces the number one acne treatment system in America, and the company has won numerous beauty and skincare awards. They also invest every year to formulate products that effectively fight acne while still protecting your skin.
The Proactiv® Blackhead Dissolving Gel not only helps deep clean and decongest pores, it helps clear blackheads and pimples while absorbing excess oil and removing dead skin cells. It’s designed to leave your face glowing and oil-free, soothe skin irritation, and give skin a smoother, more hydrated look and feel. When it comes to the battle against acne, proper steps and the right cleanser could make all the difference in the world.

What’s Your Shoe Personality?

What’s Your Shoe Personality?

What’s Your Shoe Personality?
“Why do you need so many shoes?”
If you’ve ever been asked this question by a guy, you’re probably going to love a great new Web service called JustFabulous.
Born from a deep appreciation of a woman’s relationship with shoes, the website is dedicated to the needs of the average shoe addict.
Why are so many women addicted to shoes?  The explanations range from the practical to the therapeutic.  On the practical side, we know no outfit is complete without the perfect pair of shoes.  So, for every look we go out in, of course we need a unique pair of shoes to top it off!  Shoes also last longer than clothes--because unlike our dress size, our shoe size doesn’t change—so, we can always wear our favorites, regardless of whether or not our favorite pair of jeans fit that day.
But, there’s also something more about shoes—when you’re feeling down and need a pick-me-up, a great new pair of shoes often works wonders.
JustFabulous seeks to provide shoe addicts exactly what they want when it comes to shoes--namely, their own personal stylist.
But, shoe nirvana doesn’t just mean your own personal stylist suggesting new shoes that fit your look and style perfectly—it also means being able to actually afford these styles, and that’s what JustFabulous does.
The JustFabulous experience starts with you taking a shoe personality quiz.  It’s a fun, quick, online survey where you’re presented with a slew of different shoe options, as well as various celebrity and designer looks that you rate based on your personal taste.  Based on your choices, JustFabulous then creates your unique shoe style profile.
Then comes the really fun part.  JustFabulous employs a team of celebrity stylists with extensive experience dressing some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry.  Each month, the team selects and presents you with a personalized collection of five shoes that they think you will love based on your style profile.  You can then choose to buy one or more of these shoes for just $39.95 each.
That’s right—only $39.95 for high quality, high fashion shoes.  They’re able to get this kind of pricing for their clients because they work with a selection of high-end shoe manufacturers on a direct basis.  These are high fashion styles like those sold by top designers for hundreds of dollars at retail--so, the quality is first rate.
If you don’t like any of the selections they come up with for you that month, you can request more, or just wait until the next month to see new selections.
Shipping is always free, and any of the shoes you select can be returned for a full credit if you don’t absolutely love them when they arrive.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Italian Chicken Stir-Fry

Photo: Thinkstock

Italian Chicken Stir-Fry

Pick up just the right amount of pre-sliced veggies to make this quick and simple dish. You could also add broccoli, green beans or any other of your favourite veggies.
  • Prep Time: 5 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 12 Minutes
  • Serves: 4
  • From: Vegetables For Vitality


In large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, heat oil. Add chicken. Sauté just until barely cooked through, 4 minutes. Sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon of the salt and pepper. Remove chicken from skillet.
In same skillet, sauté bell peppers and zucchini just until tender, 4 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt. Add garlic. Sauté 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and oregano. Cook 1 minute. Return chicken pieces to skillet. Sprinkle with vinegar. Heat through.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut in 1-cm wide strips
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups sliced, seeded red, green, or yellow bell peppers
  • 1 1/2 cups sliced zucchini
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, each halved
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, crumbled
  • 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

Recipe = Chicken Pasta Salad

Chicken Pasta Salad

Instead of sandwiches, Abbey Chan (daughter of registered dietitian Sue Mah) loves taking pasta to school for lunch. This recipe took 3rd prize in a recipe contest for kids.
3 1/2 cups (875 mL) Cooked short whole wheat pasta
1 1/2 cups (375 mL) Diced cooked chicken
1 large carrot, coarsely grated
1 cup (250 mL) Diced cucumber
1/4 cup (60 mL) Low fat Caesar salad dressing
1. In a large bowl, combine pasta, chicken, carrot and cucumber. 
2. Drizzle with dressing and stir to combine well.
3. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days.
Makes: 1 L (4 cups)

Nutrition information for 250 mL (1 cup):  Calories: 315, Protein: 23 g, Fat: 10 g, Carbohydrate: 37 g, Fibre: 4 g, Sodium: 325 mg

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Recipe: Yogurt Cream Cheese

Recipe: Yogurt Cream Cheese

Recipe: Yogurt Cream Cheese

I love cream cheese! It’s rich and creamy, and tastes great on anything from bagels to crackers. It’s a fabulous addition to desserts and appetizers, and you find it in many savory dishes that are served for the holidays.  By making it at home with yogurt, you can be sure that your cream cheese is full of only healthy ingredients and has the added advantage of probiotics.  It’s not hard to make, and tastes better than store-bought cheese!  You can use yogurt cream cheese in your holiday recipes, mix in chives and garlic and spread it on a bagel, or serve it topped with something savory or sweet as an appetizer.  Homemade cream cheese is even pretty enough to earn a spot on the cheese tray next Saga blue and aged cheddar!
Make your own delicious cream cheese using healthy yogurt!
I made my yogurt cream cheese using a batch of homemade, raw milk yogurt.  I found a lot of tutorials online on how to make cream cheese, and ended up using the technique outlined in this very funny Youtube video by Chef John at Foodwishes.  First, set a strainer on a deep plate and lay out three layers of cheese cloth in a strainer.  Add your yogurt. The whey will drip through the cheesecloth into the plate or bowl. Tie the cloth around the yogurt securely with kitchen twine, then tie the twine to the handle of a wooden spoon.  Place the cheese-ball (it kind of looks like a cocoon, doesn’t it?) in a pitcher or jar and put the whole thing in your fridge for 24 hours.
Make your own delicious cream cheese using healthy yogurt!
The liquid that drips out of your yogurt is whey, and it’s full of healthy probiotics.  Save this to culture lactofermented foods or as a substitute for buttermilk, there are many healthy uses for whey!
Make your own delicious cream cheese using healthy yogurt!
Now it’s time to mold your cream cheese.  Place several layers of cheesecloth in a small container of your choice. Open your cheese-ball and transfer the thickened yogurt cheese into the container, pressing down firmly.  Fold the cloth over the top of the cheese, and then place some plastic wrap over the cloth.  Cut a circle out of cardboard, so that it fits on top of your container.  Use something heavy (I used a canning jar full of water) to weigh down the cheese, and find a safe place for it in the fridge.  After 2 or 3 days, the cheese can be un-molded and served.  Yum! Rich, creamy cheese…with no additives or preservatives! Serve it plain, or top it with roasted garlic and chives, or drizzle raw honey over it and sprinkle it with crushed pistachios (as seen in the video). Served with crisp apple slices, it makes a fun and healthy dessert!
Make your own delicious cream cheese using healthy yogurt!

Yogurt Cream Cheese

12-16 ounces fresh yogurt of your choice (I use homemade from this recipe)
You will need:
Large Jar, pitcher or deep bowl
Kitchen twine
Looking for quality real food ingredients? Be sure to the check out the Village Green Marketplace!
1. Layer 3 pieces of cheesecloth in a strainer. Set the strainer in a deep plate, and spoon your yogurt onto the cloth. The plate will catch the liquid as it starts to drip out.
2. Fold the cloth around the cheese, and tightly tie it at the top to form a ball. Tie this ball to a long spoon, and hang it in a large jar, pitcher or deep bowl. Place the whole thing in your fridge, and leave it for 24 hours.
3. Line a small container of your choice with several layers of cheesecloth. Press the cheese into the container, folding the top of the cloth over the cheese. Place plastic wrap on top of the cloth, then cut a circle of cardboard to rest on top of the cheese. Place a heavy object (I use a canning jar filled with water) on top of the cardboard, and return to the fridge for 2-3 days.
4. Carefully un-mold the cheese, turning it onto a serving plate and removing the cloth. Serve plain, or with a topping (like roasted garlic and chives, or drizzle with honey and sprinkle with crushed pistachios and serve with apples as a dessert).
Store any unused cheese in the fridge.

The Government of Punjab, School Education Department NTS result 31 December

Senior Elementary School
Educator and
 Secondary School Educator NTS result.

Tuesday, 31st December 2013
for result click on  link given below 

Monday, 30 December 2013

The Government of Punjab, School Education Department (NTS result) 30 December

The Government of Punjab, School Education Department (NTS result)
Monday, 30th December 2013

For result click to this link (given below) 

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Elementary School Educator (BPS-9) NTS result of 29th december

Elementary School
Educator (BPS-9)
(Test Date: Sunday, 29th December 2013)

for wathching result go to this link